Sunday, 20 July 2008

Lose inches off your waist quickly - The Burn Fat 4 Dummies way

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How to lose inches off your waist quickly and easily

If you want to lose inches off your waist there is one quick and simple exercise you can do which does not involve going to the gym or even leaving your house. It has nothing to do with dieting or cutting down on food or anything else like that.

The best exercise you can do to lose inches off your waist is an exercise called the ‘Vacuum Pose”

You can lose a few inches off your waist within the space of 1 month if you do this every day and do it often. It takes about 3 minutes of your time each time you do ti and you can do it as often as you like, the more the better.

What is the vacuum pose?

Basically you exhale all the air out of your lungs and then suck in your belly button as much as possible. Sound easy, it’s not as easy as it sounds. Try it. Be sure to suck in your belly button and leave your upper body as is or it will not work.

The best way to do this is to suck in your belly button as if your are trying to get the belly button to touch your spine. Do this for 15 – 60 second and then release and then do it again after a 30 second rest. Do this 4 times and do it 3 – 10 times per day.

Do it everywhere

The beauty of this exercise is that it can be done anywhere and everywhere. The only stipulation is that your upper body must be straight and not slouched.

I particularly like doing this when I am standing in queues for shopping, or watching the TV.

If you do this for at least 5 minutes per day you will see a difference but if you d it for up to 30 minutes every day the difference you see will be much more noticeable and a lot quicker.

Once you become more practiced in the vacuum pose you can start to breathe regularly as the muscle burn will lessen. I now use a form of the vacuum pose in my daily life. I basically suck my stomach in a little and I do it every minute of everyday. That’s not as hard as it sounds as your body quickly adjusts to this way of life.

Losing inches off your waist is not hard and if all you do is the exercise above you will lose inches within no time.

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