Monday, 21 July 2008

Burn Fat 4 Dummies - Healthy lifestyle for a healthy weight

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antioxidants - burn fat 4 dummies

Healthy living for a healthy weight

There are many things in our lives, habits, foods, choices, patterns of behaviours that can help, hinder, even harm us. There are some that are however also extremely beneficial to our health, balance and wellbeing.

Essentially antioxidants are positive, things like free radicals more harmful. We need to understand and utilize the best of both to live balance and healthier lives.

We need to eat, exercise, live and treat, to prevent and protect the body from disease, aging and devastation, damage or ill repair. We need to maintain and give the body what its needs to boost functioning, protection, metabolism, activity etc. Getting rid of harmful elements, contributors to illness, bacteria, infections, diseases, free radicals, pollutants, irritants etc. can be an easy task if you put your mind to it.

Essential elements for our bodies

There are numerous elements critical to your body, system and whole functioning and well-being. They are enablers and enhancers of sorts, not merely a luxury or casual supplement – they can make a difference, if and when used correctly.

Vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and selenium

  • Trace elements, nutritional building blocks to energy, vitality as well as healthy diet and body can be found in most of the types of vegetables, fruits, and grains, supplements and activities that we opt to pursue and partake in on a daily basis.
  • Eating MORE oranges and grapefruits, tomatoes, red peppers, green peppers, yellow peppers, pineapple, and dark green veggies can get you your fair share of these ‘wonder’ elements and gifts of nature.
  • Vitamins, minerals, trace and natural essential elements and nutrients, can come from choosing the right foods and produce, like vegetable oils, nuts, brown rice, legumes, whole grains, and dark leafy green vegetables, seafood, Brazilian nuts, poultry, dairy, whole grains, onions, garlic, and wheat germ. carrots, red and yellow peppers, broccoli, sweet potatoes, mangos, and a variety of other fruits and vegetables. These all qualify for making and getting you what you need to boost the intake of these champions and fighters for your health and well-being.
  • Green tee and some anti-aging products on the market will help alleviate and protect your body, systems, skin and more. Cutting caffeine and other stimulant types from your diet, or at the very least limiting them are recommended as well to strengthen your efforts for healthier, balanced living.
  • Polyphenols have been proven by science to counter the effects of aging as well as leaving the body, mind and soul replenished and rejuvenated, newly energized, functioning better all-round.
  • Some suggest supplementing your diet with anti aging vitamins helping your body and organs (of which the skin is the largest one remember, and like a mirror reflecting what is going on inside!) function BETTER!

Innovations and miracle products, environmental factors, choices and lifestyles will all affect how we live and how we look to ourselves and the world outside, and the onus is on each of us to make the best of what we have received. We are custodians, caretakers, champions of our own well-being.

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