Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Burn Fat 4 Dummies 60 second exercises - Skipping

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burn fat 4 dummies - skipping

Skipping is often overlooked when it comes to exercise and is one of those exercises which is great for burning fat quickly. Boxers have been using skipping ropes as a training aid for years and with good reason.

  • Why skipping is so good

  • Can be used to burn fat quickly

  • Anybody can do it

  • It can be done at home

  • Good for developing stamina

  • Can be used to develop co-ordination

If you have never tried skipping before it may seem a bit awkward at first but it is worth persevering with it. The more you practice the more you will become adept at the art of skipping and the more benefit you will gain from it.

There are many types of skipping ropes, they come in all shapes, sizes , colours and made from different materials like nylon, leather , nylon, and wire.

Leather ropes are popular amongst boxers and will cost that little extra. PVC coated ropes are also very popular as they can turn faster which will give you a better workout and keep you fitter in the long run.

Once you become experienced at skipping you will see the benefits in your body shape and the fat will begin to fall off the more skipping you do.

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Saturday, 2 August 2008

Burn fat 4 Dummies - Free Ebook - Boost your Metabolism

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boosting your metabolism

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Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Burn Fat 4 Dummies - 6 Exercises for six pack abs

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how to get six pack abs

Crunches: Lie on the floor and cross your arms in front of your chest. Bend your knees up and tuck them under your bum. Now raise your body, with your arms still at your side, or acroos your chest, and raise your body up as far as you can. Lower your body slowly, not touvhing the floor, and repeat for 10 times.

Sit ups: Lie on the floor, feet on the floor, knees up and hands placed behind your ears or put your hands crossed over your chest. Sit all the way up, lifting your lower back off the floor along with your shoulder blades. Lower yourself down. Repeat for 10 times.

Leg raises: Lie back on the floor with your arms at your side. Now, lift your legs, keeping them straight, and life them all the way up until your legs are at a 90 degree angle to your body. Slowly lower your legs, don’t let them touch the floor, and then repeat 10 times.

Jack-knife sit ups: Lie back on the floor with your hands to your side. Nw raise your knees whilst raising your body to meet your knees at the same time. in time your should be able to get your head to touch your knees. Repeat and do this ten times.

V-Ups: Lie on the floor, legs straight out, hands on the floor but this time extended out over your head. Simultaneously raise legs and torso. Don't bend your knees. Reach with your hands toward the raised feet. Touch your feet if possible (will require some flexibility). relax return to starting position and repeat.

Static Hold and Side Statics. Lie flat on the floor face down and put your body into the push up position. Now put your elbows resting on the floor, keep your body straight and hold the position for as long as possible. Sounds simple but it is not that easy. Do this for 1 minute at a time and eventually try and get up to 15 minutes.

All these exercises will help to build up your abdominal muscles and working out with these exercises as well as using an eating plan such as the Burn fat 4 Dummies plan you will see a dramatic difference in the space of 4 weeks – Guaranteed

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Burn fat 4 Dummies 60 second exercises - Running on the spot

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There are many ways to burn fat and I will be writing a series of quick exercises to help you with this. The first of these exercises is one which you can do in the home any time of day or night.

The exercise is running on the spot or sprinting on the spot for a higher cardio workout. Doesn’t sound like much does it? However it is one of the most effective cardio exercises you can do to burn fat quickly.

You can sprint for 60 seconds on the spot. Do this 5 – 7 times per day and you can lose a few pounds per week. It sounds easy but go ahead and see how knackered you feel after a full sixty seconds.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Monday, 21 July 2008

Burn Fat 4 Dummies - Healthy lifestyle for a healthy weight

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antioxidants - burn fat 4 dummies

Healthy living for a healthy weight

There are many things in our lives, habits, foods, choices, patterns of behaviours that can help, hinder, even harm us. There are some that are however also extremely beneficial to our health, balance and wellbeing.

Essentially antioxidants are positive, things like free radicals more harmful. We need to understand and utilize the best of both to live balance and healthier lives.

We need to eat, exercise, live and treat, to prevent and protect the body from disease, aging and devastation, damage or ill repair. We need to maintain and give the body what its needs to boost functioning, protection, metabolism, activity etc. Getting rid of harmful elements, contributors to illness, bacteria, infections, diseases, free radicals, pollutants, irritants etc. can be an easy task if you put your mind to it.

Essential elements for our bodies

There are numerous elements critical to your body, system and whole functioning and well-being. They are enablers and enhancers of sorts, not merely a luxury or casual supplement – they can make a difference, if and when used correctly.

Vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and selenium

  • Trace elements, nutritional building blocks to energy, vitality as well as healthy diet and body can be found in most of the types of vegetables, fruits, and grains, supplements and activities that we opt to pursue and partake in on a daily basis.
  • Eating MORE oranges and grapefruits, tomatoes, red peppers, green peppers, yellow peppers, pineapple, and dark green veggies can get you your fair share of these ‘wonder’ elements and gifts of nature.
  • Vitamins, minerals, trace and natural essential elements and nutrients, can come from choosing the right foods and produce, like vegetable oils, nuts, brown rice, legumes, whole grains, and dark leafy green vegetables, seafood, Brazilian nuts, poultry, dairy, whole grains, onions, garlic, and wheat germ. carrots, red and yellow peppers, broccoli, sweet potatoes, mangos, and a variety of other fruits and vegetables. These all qualify for making and getting you what you need to boost the intake of these champions and fighters for your health and well-being.
  • Green tee and some anti-aging products on the market will help alleviate and protect your body, systems, skin and more. Cutting caffeine and other stimulant types from your diet, or at the very least limiting them are recommended as well to strengthen your efforts for healthier, balanced living.
  • Polyphenols have been proven by science to counter the effects of aging as well as leaving the body, mind and soul replenished and rejuvenated, newly energized, functioning better all-round.
  • Some suggest supplementing your diet with anti aging vitamins helping your body and organs (of which the skin is the largest one remember, and like a mirror reflecting what is going on inside!) function BETTER!

Innovations and miracle products, environmental factors, choices and lifestyles will all affect how we live and how we look to ourselves and the world outside, and the onus is on each of us to make the best of what we have received. We are custodians, caretakers, champions of our own well-being.

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Sunday, 20 July 2008

Burn fat 4 Dummies - 7 Ways to boost your metabolism

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sexy women burn fat 4 dummies

Boosting your metabolism is a great way to start losing weight and you can do it rapidly if you follow some or all of the tips below.

What is metabolism?

Metabolism is the rate at which your body converts the food you eat into energy and burns it off as calories. The quicker you burn calories the quicker you will lose weight and lose the fat that you are concerned about.

Men’s metabolism is different from women’s and therefore the rate at which they lose fat is different. Men’s stomach’s are the last place to lose the fat so an all round fat loss plan is needed. Women lose fat on their belly’s quicker than men so women can expect to lose their belly fat quicker than men.

For all of us, we use up this kind of energy (calories) in 3 ways:

  • 60-70% to power our body for all its daily functions, to keep us going. This is otherwise known as basal or resting metabolic rate

  • About 30% in exercise and other physical activities

  • The remaining 10% in eating food since the processing and digesting that's involved requires energy. This is also known as the thermic effect of food

The fastest ways to boost your metabolic rate

1. Exercise

By far the quickest way to boost your metabolic rate. The food you eat will be burned quicker when you exercise.

The top ten exercises are: Walking, running, hill climbing, cycling, step aerobics, swimming, squash, rowing, cross country skiing.

Doing exercise for 30 – 40 minutes per day can keep your metabolism working for several hours. A morning workout and evening workout would be ideal for burning the most fat and calories.

2. Weight training

You can incorporate weight training into your daily gym routine. Building up all your muscle groups will do wonders for your metabolism.

Very few people know that the more muscle you have the quicker your metabolism is going to work even in it’s resting state. This is due to the amount of energy needed to feed all your muscles.

3. Always eat your breakfast.

Always start your day with a good breakfast. It kick starts your metabolism into working and will keep it going for a few hours before your next meal. If you miss breakfast your metabolism will not start working until your next meal, which means it could be 12 -16 hours

4. Eat more often and less

It has been shown that the more times you eat, properly, throughout the day the more fat and calories will be burned. This is due to the fact that after every meal your metabolism starts working and slows down after an hour of eating. If you fire your metabolism up often you will burn off more calories and fat. So instead of having 3 big meals per day have 6-8 smaller meals throughout the day. This might sound strange but if you think about you will eating less but more and so you will not feel the need to snack on junk throughout the day.

Eat your biggest meals before 6pm and make your dinner your smallest meal of the day. After 6-8pm your body is starting to slow down as you are starting to rest more after work.

5. Eat more calories

Don’t skimp on the calories, the less calories you eat the less your metabolism will work. It needs fuel to keep it going and to power your body. There is a myth that the less calories you eat the more weight you will lose, this is true to an extent however this is only true for people who consume much much more than their calorie intake should be. For example people who are obese sometimes eat more than 4 times their recommended daily calorie intake, so of course if they cut down and are eating less calories their weight will go down. However for the average person they need to stick to eating, at least, their recommended daily calorie intake; 1900 for women and 2500 for men.

6. Eat more protein

Eat more foods like chicken or fish as your body uses more energy to digest foods like these than carbohydrates or fat.

7. Drink plenty of water

The process of burning fat and calories needs water to work effectively so the more water you drink the easier it will be that your metabolism will work to its optimum state.

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Lose inches off your waist quickly - The Burn Fat 4 Dummies way

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How to lose inches off your waist quickly and easily

If you want to lose inches off your waist there is one quick and simple exercise you can do which does not involve going to the gym or even leaving your house. It has nothing to do with dieting or cutting down on food or anything else like that.

The best exercise you can do to lose inches off your waist is an exercise called the ‘Vacuum Pose”

You can lose a few inches off your waist within the space of 1 month if you do this every day and do it often. It takes about 3 minutes of your time each time you do ti and you can do it as often as you like, the more the better.

What is the vacuum pose?

Basically you exhale all the air out of your lungs and then suck in your belly button as much as possible. Sound easy, it’s not as easy as it sounds. Try it. Be sure to suck in your belly button and leave your upper body as is or it will not work.

The best way to do this is to suck in your belly button as if your are trying to get the belly button to touch your spine. Do this for 15 – 60 second and then release and then do it again after a 30 second rest. Do this 4 times and do it 3 – 10 times per day.

Do it everywhere

The beauty of this exercise is that it can be done anywhere and everywhere. The only stipulation is that your upper body must be straight and not slouched.

I particularly like doing this when I am standing in queues for shopping, or watching the TV.

If you do this for at least 5 minutes per day you will see a difference but if you d it for up to 30 minutes every day the difference you see will be much more noticeable and a lot quicker.

Once you become more practiced in the vacuum pose you can start to breathe regularly as the muscle burn will lessen. I now use a form of the vacuum pose in my daily life. I basically suck my stomach in a little and I do it every minute of everyday. That’s not as hard as it sounds as your body quickly adjusts to this way of life.

Losing inches off your waist is not hard and if all you do is the exercise above you will lose inches within no time.

Monday, 14 July 2008

Burn Fat 4 Dummies - 4 facts about dieting your should know

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Burn fat 4 Dummies - 4 Facts about dieting you should know

Fact 1

Did you know that more than 750 million people worldwide are overweight, and that more than 22 million children under 5 years are overweight as well?

THE TRUTH: Today's average American adult is 7 to 14 pounds heavier than one thirty years ago.

Fact 2

Our clients lost an average of 22 lbs the first month, and the average over one year is 13 lbs per month. It is recommended by most doctors all over the world.

THE TRUTH: Today, most diets promise unrealistic numbers like 10-15 lbs every 10 days. This is very unsafe. It is dangerous and you will mostly lose water weight and muscle weight. It will make your body go YO-YO dieting, when you diet you lose muscle-weight (Which is good) when you start eating normal then you will gain fat-weight (Which is bad)…

Fact 3

Science has shown that most people start dieting for the wrong reason, and soon to find out that they motivation goes away and stop dieting and gain even more weight after wrongly approaching it.

THE TRUTH: Most people that do start dieting start it off for the wrong reason and they soon find out that their motivation factor goes down and so does their dieting. The first step is to make sure you have targeted goals, you set an end date you want to reach that goal and the biggest motivation factor is to have a diet-partner.

Fact 4

The diet industry doesn’t care if you lose weight or not!

THE TRUTH: In Western cultures, we are bombarded by commercial after commercial promoting this healthy eating food, or this gym, or that celebrity’s new fitness video / diet program / recipe book/miracle weight loss program. The images are everywhere. Commercials, together with the press, extols the virtues of being so thin you look ill.

"Weight Loss Help" is at hand, bleats the diet industry, "Just buy our product" ... but does the diet industry have your best interests at heart?

The simple answer is a highly resounding NO, they do not.

The diet industry needs dieters to keep buying and consuming their products so they can make fat profits to pay their shareholders with. The real problem with the diet industry is that in order to make maximum profits they need to cut their costs down to a bare minimum. They do this by padding our food with food with fillers and cheap components.

Now, you may say, "But it's not sugar so it's healthier" or "It's FDA approved" or any other pre-programmed component. Let me tell you what aspartame is - it's a neuro-toxin, plain and simple. To make this even easier to understand - it kills your brain! It's dangerous!

Saturday, 12 July 2008

burn fat 4 dummies

5 Tips for losing weight with Burn Fat 4 Dummies

Tip #1:
Set a goal!

To lose weight you will want to know how much weight you want to lose. Have a target weight in mind and make sure it is exact and know how much you are losing.

Tip #2:
Bin the daily scales routine

Don’t jump on the scales every day, choose a day of the week and on that day step onto the scales in the morning and keep track of your weight.

Tip #3:
Track your progress

You will be more motivated if you track your weight loss. Set up a simple spreadsheet or write down your weight every week when you weigh yourself. This way you will stay motivated to keep losing weight and know your plan is working.

Tip #4:
Eat regularly

Skipping meals throughout the day simply does not work. A lot of dieters think by missing meals they will lose weight. The truth is your body needs fuel regularly, if it doesn’t get it your body thinks it has to store food in case of emergencies. When your body gets used to food coming regulalrly it will not need to store it for emergencies. This increases your metabolism and with an increased metabolism you will lose more weight.

Tip #5:
It’s all in the water

Did you know by drinking plenty of water every day your body will burn an extra 4500 calories per month. Drinking plenty of water, 2 litres per day, will increase your metabolism.